Category: Urinary Incontinence

Common Urinary Problems in Men Over 65

Getting older is certainly better than the alternative, but it comes with some unpleasant issues. For a man one of those is an enlarged prostate and all its urinary complications. It is impossible to ignore, and few men are spared once they reach a certain age. Let’s learn more about common urinary problems in men over 65.

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Guide To Urinary Control After Prostate Cancer Surgery

Seventy-five percent of men experience urinary incontinence immediately after having prostate surgery. There are specific reasons why this occurs, how long it will last, and ways to ameliorate the problem. What follows is a helpful guide to urinary control after prostate cancer surgery.

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Why Women Should Seek Treatment For Bladder Leakage

If you have occasional bladder leakage but are too embarrassed to reveal this to your physician, you are not alone. Although this is a very common issue, it is believed that half of women do not report this to their doctor. Focus on the fact that bladder leakage is a treatable condition. Unless you want to battle this on your own for the rest of your life, read about the reasons why women should seek treatment for bladder leakage, and what those treatments are.

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What Causes Urinary Incontinence And How Is It Treated?

The first time you cough or sneeze and a little urine leaks out, you probably think it’s a freak accident. If it continues to occur and begins to get worse, suddenly you pay more attention and want answers to what causes urinary incontinence and how is it treated. Here are some of those answers.

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What’s Next When Oral Medications Are No Longer Working For Your Overactive Bladder?

Life does not have to revolve around finding a bathroom due to your overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms, nor do you need to give up when meds don’t work. There are options. What’s next when oral medications are no longer working for your overactive bladder?

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What’s The Solution For Urinary Incontinence?

Have you ever had a great time with friends laughing out loud, but found yourself uncontrollably leaking urine?  You might have even thought “I’m too young for this to be happening.”

The truth is urinary incontinence is not just for older women. It can happen to women of all ages during exercise or while laughing, sneezing and coughing. This particular type of incontinence  is known as stress urinary incontinence and it is quite prevalent.

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How Do I know If I Have a Urinary Problem?

Inevitably, most people will suffer from a urinary problem at some point in their life. Urinary problems such as incontinence or BPH become much more common as we age. Problems not related to aging can be a result of injuries caused by accidents, intense physical activity, or the result of an infection. Some urinary problems are much more serious than others. 

So how do you tell if your urinary problems are minor or something more serious? Here are a few things to be mindful of:

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