Author: Advanced Urology of Southwest Louisiana

Common Urinary Problems in Men Over 65

Getting older is certainly better than the alternative, but it comes with some unpleasant issues. For a man one of those is an enlarged prostate and all its urinary complications. It is impossible to ignore, and few men are spared once they reach a certain age. Let’s learn more about common urinary problems in men over 65.

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The Link Between Smoking And Bladder Cancer

Smoking is an “equal opportunity offender.” It is just as deadly for women as it is for men when it comes to bladder cancer. Regardless of gender, one of the most important risk factors for developing bladder cancer is smoking. Let’s learn more specifics about the link between smoking and bladder cancer.

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What Could Be Causing Recurring Kidney Stones?

There are few things in life as painful as passing a kidney stone. If you have had one, you know. The problem is that once you have a kidney stone, you are likely to get another one. In fact, you have a 35 to 50% chance of having another within 5 years. Nature can be cruel. Why is this the case, and what could be causing recurring kidney stones?

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Lesser Known Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Testosterone is the hormone that gives young men their deeper voice, hair on their body, and muscle mass. As men age or for other reasons, they begin to have less testosterone, and consequently have a lower sex drive, are more fatigued, and experience depression. We will discuss the common signs of low T, but focus on lesser known symptoms of low testosterone.

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