Author: Advanced Urology of Southwest Louisiana

Can BPH Be Prevented?

Just like women, men find that as they get older, certain parts of their body get larger. Think stomach and prostate gland. We could go on, but you get the picture. A man’s prostate gland can change from the size of a walnut up to as large as an orange, which is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). When this happens later in life, it causes symptoms and sometimes complications. Can BPH be prevented?

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Natural Ways To Prevent Kidney Stones

If you have experienced the excruciating pain of passing a kidney stone, you remember it well. You are probably aware that once you have one, there is a strong likelihood you will have another. Not a very comforting thought, but there are some natural ways to prevent kidney stones. Keep reading to discover some easy preventative methods.

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How Often Should Men Be Screened For Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a highly treatable cancer if it is detected early, and discovering prostate cancer in its early stages provides more treatment options. How often should men be screened for prostate cancer? This is a complicated question, so let’s find out the criteria, risk factors, and consensus.

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Vasectomy: How It Works & What To Expect

If you and your partner are considering a vasectomy, you should be aware of certain facts. It is an outpatient surgery with a low risk of complications or side effects, and it is nearly 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. One other important fact is that it is cheaper than female sterilization or the longterm costs of birth control methods for women. With those facts out of the way, let’s dig deeper about vasectomy: how it works and what to expect.

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Guide To Urinary Control After Prostate Cancer Surgery

Seventy-five percent of men experience urinary incontinence immediately after having prostate surgery. There are specific reasons why this occurs, how long it will last, and ways to ameliorate the problem. What follows is a helpful guide to urinary control after prostate cancer surgery.

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Signs You Should Be Tested For Kidney Cancer

Screening tests to detect early kidney cancer do not exist, and unfortunately, there are few if any early symptoms of this cancer. Most patients don’t notice any signs until the tumor has grown larger and begins to affect other organs. Consequently, be prepared to recognize the signs you should be tested for kidney cancer.

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